John Colverson MA, UKCP(reg.) BPC(reg.) Jungian Analysis and Psychotherapy in Brighton, Sussex, and Online

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Psychotherapy involves a space in which you can feel supported and held, in a manner which allows the working through of whatever is troubling you, in a confidential and professional relationship.Psychotherapy generally involves a more in-depth exploration of the issues involved, and with the exception of short-term goal focused psychotherapy, it generally extends over a longer period than counselling.

Short term goal focused psychotherapy generally seeks to isolate the issues which are generating particular feelings and/or symptoms. The analogue is like throwing a pebble into a pond: the short term work creates ripples which create the necessary healing effect. In some cases that is all that is required for a particular problem. In other cases the short term work brings to consciousness a realisation that the problem has deeper roots than at first thought.

Longer term explorative psychotherapy works on deeper, more entrenched issues, and personal development at depth. It involves a process of collaborative exploration. We will uproot the issues underlying the problems you are experiencing, thereby enabling resolution and facillitating growth. As Shakespeare wrote : “All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players…”. What are the characters on the stage of your inner world – what roles are they playing – and what is the script of this inner drama…?

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